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Job: International commercial attache    
  Description: 招聘人数: 1 
招聘要求: 招聘国际商务专员1人,负责出口业务订单的洽谈,本科以上学历,英语六级以上,有两年以上外贸经验。
招聘时效: 2005-09-01 
   联系人: 季先生 
联系电话: 0517-6986988 
Job: International commercial female Wen Mi    
  Description: 招聘人数: 1 
招聘要求: 国际商务女文秘1名 
招聘时效: 2005-10-18 
   联系人: 季先生 
联系电话: 0517-6986988
Job: technical department    
Job: technical department    
  Description: We want to hire more technical workers to finish our urgent production task.  
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